?SockShare? Full Movie The Godfather

9.3/ 10stars

The Godfather ?SockShare?




  • Tomatometers - 9,2 / 10
  • Release year - 1972
  • Directed by - Francis Ford Coppola
  • Runtime - 2 Hour, 55 Min
  • Francis Ford Coppola





@ 5:28 Illegal parking is a serious matter in New York

At 21:17 can someone explain to me what that was? Was that supposed to be Fanucci getting jumped. James caan and ben Affleck look very similar.

Go in peace may the lord be with you

They made the fattest guy run up all those steps to kill his target. Thanks man.

The cat never broke character, stunning self-control

2:34 be my friend. godfarter... They should have never deleted the hospital scene. Couldnt get away with this these days. Too many security cameras ! Always tried to figure out who was the couple in bed that got blasted. The last hit outside is really satisfying to watch for some reason. Merlon brando one of the best legend actor in the world.

This movie was so perfect. The acting, the story, this is just gold

If we learn something in this life, that theres nothing impossible “. Rip Joe Spinelli didn"t get to make it to the 90s but he was so close. I like Mike and Sonny and all. Oh this is a masterpiece. One of the best scenes?? Best movie ever. Try the veal. A metaphor for the imminent butchering... My media studies teacher showed my class part of this film. Every scene in the godfather is the best scene.


It ws Barzini all along. Marlon Brando best actor ever. Reading the book rn, then im gonna watch the film ????.